Reading Between the Lines: Understanding Your Real Estate Buyers and Sellers

Understanding Buyers and Sellers

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As real estate investors we often have to be quick when it comes to reading people and making decisions about our buyers and sellers. While it is necessary, in this author’s mind, to be caring and honest with people you are dealing with it is also warranted to protect yourself from loss of time and mental energy strain when dealing with the public.

I heard a quote that says, “How you do anything is how you do everything.” What a perfect quote for this article. Below are a few examples to be aware of that can show how people really feel without them telling you anything. It is true that, in most cases, actions speak louder than words when it comes to conveying people’s real feelings and traits.

The examples below are not based on any scientific data and are only this author’s opinion based on a decade of investing. If you disagree or would like to add any examples for us all to learn from please comment them below.

Keep both eyes open during your first few meetings or phone calls with potential buyers or tenants. Your B.S. detector should be on high alert during these times. When dealing with buyers and potential tenants they “should” be on their best behavior with you. Be aware of over friendly or disrespectful attitudes, profanity, and worst of all excuse-syndrome.

Let’s break down these behaviors…

Over friendly or disrespect attitudes from buyers and/or potential tenants: A buyer or potential tenant should have the idea in their mind that this is a business relationship. If you are being called sport, champ, boss, buddy or pal I advise to quickly correct this before moving forward. Ideally a yes sir/no sir or yes ma’am/no ma’am attitude should be used by your clients. Please note that this casual attitude is not a good or bad thing, however it may show a lack of respect for you and your role as landlord and seller.

Profanity: Street slang and profanity can tell you a lot about a person. If, on your first occasion, your applicant is using slang towards you or using profanity in front of you towards others or their children then be aware this will only get worse. While using profanity or common slang does not solely group a person as definitively one way or another it does show a lack of respect for your role as landlord or seller.

Excuse syndrome: Be on the listen for a victim mentality and excuses in your future buyer or tenant. If you hear excuse after excuse then be prepared that this will only continue when trying to collect your monthly payments from these sellers.

No call, No show: Buyers and sellers are finicky and wishy-washy. If a seller or buyer has not called you back concerning your offer they have given you an answer already. A no call often means these once interested parties are likely no longer interested in your home or purchase offer(s). This may not always be …read more

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